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  1. That is really awesome. I am working on the piezoelectric materials device so can hopefully harvest the energy of the vibration.

    For more system level design. You may also consider using the spray on solar cell(thin film to cover all the area). for better performance, please consider using the energy storage device on the trailer to provide higher power. Another thing is that try to reduce the drag of coefficient of the trailer as well as the total weight of the system!!


    Let me know if there is anything that I can offer you from my expertise. I am also assembling my own electric car with the solar trailer, however, I believe the solar bike is more economical and can be made largescale in high impact. I know a few contact in CHINA making the solar bikes accessories, for adventure.

    Please let me know for anything that I can help.

    Xin Li

    Research Assitant PhD candidate
    Stevens Institute of Technology
    email: xli14@stevens.edu

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    All the additional information is available on our web site, but feel free to reply back to this email and we will be more than happy to help you.

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