Monthly Archives: August 2013
Tour Film Premiere at Eurobike
Iceland Challenge at LEVA & ETRA Dinner at Eurobike
Rafhjól means Electric Bike
Cycling is getting more and more popular in Iceland. Not only as a fashion or to serve practical needs, but also in the eyes of the government, with the local authorities in Reykjavík recently investing in cycling infrastructure. Although electric bikes are still a novelty to most Icelanders, the ones we met were very positive and open towards this new way of cycling. Read more →
A Day in Reykjavík

Go faster! (SB)
Riding around Iceland’s capital city on the eflow bikes was a really enjoyable experience. While withstanding a chilly wind thanks to warm clothes, we admired the Icelanders walking around in shorts and tank tops in 12 degrees C. Read more →